End of the Year Writing Reflection

Beginning of the year: In the beginning of this school year, my writing was fairly weak. I struggled with deep analysis as well as conducting a thesis. Without a strong thesis, I also had trouble incorporating useful examples that further push the thesis. End of the year: Now, at the end of the year, my writing has improved. I am able to apply thorough examples as well as analysis that further support the thesis. I am able to put together a thesis that makes sense for the prompt, as well as create a conclusion that once again supports the thesis. I do struggle with using diction as well as specific rhetorical techniques in order to grasp the readers' attention, but my writing has improved greatly nevertheless. Writing and testing log: Final take away: I have learned a lot about writing strategies and techniques this year. Now that I know these tips, I will improve on applying them as I continue on writing. I am getting better as I practice, so I am not very upset that I still have a lot to work on right now. I know that I will continue to work hard with my writing so that I can build my skills and create a stronger writing ability. I am mostly proud that I have just seen any improvement, even if it is not the mos obvious of things.


  1. I like your ideas to keep building onto in the future!

  2. It's good that you realize what needed to improve and worked on it. A strong thesis lays out the whole essay, but the evidence and reasoning drive it along. I applaud your perseverance to become better even after the fact.

  3. I like that you kept everything brief and did not make the blog a long process to read it helps the reader to see the progress that you've made and your plans for the future

  4. I believe that the thesis is the base of your paper and everything else is built off of that. With that being said, I am glad that you not only saw improvements with your thesis, but also your evidence and analysis when your ability to create a thesis was strengthened. I love your optimism for the future and I think it is great that you are focusing on the journey and not the end result of your writing!


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