Origin Stories? Wild.

      I can't lie, hearing about a twin being born out of his mother's armpit sounds pretty interesting. Sickening, but interesting nonetheless. I wonder, did the Iroquois really believe that a baby boy was born out of his mother's armpit? Or was that part of their story added for dramatic effect? Either way, that wasn't the craziest part of their tale. I mean, a lady literally dug a hole through the crust of the world she resided in, and then proceeded to free fall from the sky into a whole new world with friendly, animal helpers. Though the story they tell of their upcoming seems a little...unrealistic... the messages that are conveyed seemed to be highly valued in their native culture. It almost feels as though the original story teller was convinced that throwing in the characters of friendly little animals would be the key to letting people know they should respect nature. I mean, it gets the job done. Who wouldn't respect animals after learning that they are the reason you are here today? If the Iroquois really do believe the origin story passed from generation to generation, who are we to judge? I believe the story has been told for years in good nature, establishing strong moral values in the people who hear and live by it. Even though the Iroquois story had some parallels with the Genesis origin tale, such as the forbidden tree in the bible that when " ' ... you eat of it you will surely die' " (Genesis), the Iroquois story was unique in its own way; it held a lot of moral and cultural value specific to the native group.


  1. How is the forbidden tree a parallel with the Native American story? Do you think the messages that are conveyed in the story are valued by society today? Cute gif:)

  2. Why do you think that the strange symbols were so romanticized and worshiped by these people? ^^ I second Victoria how does the biblical story relate to the Iroquois story?... Explain more!! Love the theme of the blog and tone that you portray!!<3

  3. Do you think there is anything we, as a society, can learn from these origin stories? Also, elaborate on how the forbidden tree is parallel with the Native American story. I love your theme! It makes it super easy to read :)


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