
Drag shows. They’re full of drama, with queens running around in search of missing lashes, trying desperately to detangle her favorite wig. Never been to a drag show? Well, reading The Crucible holds just as much hysteria. I mean, Abigail really is like queen Farrah Moan; they both blow small situations so far out of proportion that everyone around becomes concerned with their issues. If I’m honest here, Abigail is worse. She peer pressured fellow girls in the town of Salem, holding their reputation against them. She became a leader in accusing and blaming others by threatening the young girls’ reputation if they did not back her up in the accusations. How awful. Her acting wasn’t even that good; yet the town believed her due to the gang of girls acting along with her. When Danforth begins to question Abigail to see if she is really telling the truth, she realized she’s backed into a corner, and looks up to the sky suddenly exclaiming that “A cold wind has come. (Her eyes fall on Mary Warren)” (Miller 188).  Abigail impulsively turns the blame of witchcraft onto Mary Warren. Why? She didn’t want to lose her reputation as a victim and a leader to the girls. Foolishly, the town of Salem buys into her lies. They are so fearful of the wrath of God that they want to eliminate any possible threat to their religion. Because the town gets rid of any possible threat of witches, the girls stick together in fear of being blamed. After being accused, Mary Warren selfishly decides to join the following of Abigail so she will not face witchcraft charges. When the young ladies pretend to see a bird, Mary “...as though infected, opens her mouth and screams with them” (Miller, 182). Seriously? What a fake. The girls of Salem are perfect examples of people who will do anything, or even sacrifice anyone, for the sake of their reputation. A true drag queen is unashamed and maintains her reputation by actually being the best, not by pretending. The girls of Salem should really take notes. 


  1. I enjoyed how you connected how the girls in Salem act to how drag queens act! You connected the end of the post to the beginning which is also good.

  2. I also enjoyed your comparison of the girls in "The Crucible" to a more modern topic of drag queens! It is very interesting to see the similarities in how they act and differences in personality as well.

  3. Do you think that the girls only relate to drag queens due to their over dramaticness?


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